2009年2月24日 星期二


11. public class Person{
12. private name;
13. public Person(String name){
14. this.name = name;
15. }
16. public int hashCode(){
17. return 420;
18. }
19. }
Which statement is true?

A. The time to find the value from HashMap with a Person key depends on the size of the map.
B. Deleting a Person key from a HashMap will delete all map entries for all keys of type Person.
C. Inserting a second Person object into a HashSet will cause the first Person object
to be removed as a duplicate.
D. The time to determine whether a Person object is contained in a HashSet is constant
and does NOT depend on the size of the map.

參考:12-4-2 equals()、hashCode()方法的改寫

