2009年2月11日 星期三


Which statement is true?
A. A class's finalize() method CANNOT be invoked explicitly.
B. super.finalize() is called implicitly by any overriding finalize() method.
C. The finalize() method for a given object is called no more than once by the garbage collector.
D. The order in which finalize() is called on two objects is based on the order in which the
two objects became finalizable.
參考:8-7 資源回收機制
A. A class's finalize() method CANNOT be invoked explicitly. //可以被明確呼叫
B. super.finalize() is called implicitly by any overriding finalize() method. //不會自動執行
D. The order in which finalize() is called on two objects is based on the order in which the

two objects became finalizable. //資源回收機制的順序沒有一定

